Reflective entry 4: State the research question(s), and explain how the question(s) have been developed and how they relate to a Kaupapa Māori approach to knowledge gathering and community priorities
Questions: How can I use virtual reality to engage my students in developing digital outcomes to promote and preserve cultural identity? How can I partner with the kura, kaiako and ākonga, to develop a localised digital curriculum that celebrates our students and place? I want to focus my research question around building partnerships for the success of Māori learners, and using digital tools for developing digital outcomes. Māori learners, I believe hold a significant role in reshaping the information that is disseminated online. I want to encourage my Māori learners' knowledge and protocols and traditional learning frameworks, to seek inclusiveness within the curriculum. “We see curricula as more than simply program content, and embrace concepts of “knowing, acting, and being” (Barnett and Coate, 2005, p. 3) for the 21st Century learner” (Goode et al., 2018, p.397). Acknowledging the principle of āta - growing respectful relationships, developed by Pohatu (2005), ...