DFI - Session 1: Core Business

Today has bought some key understandings around Manaiakalani and the basics around digital fluency using Google. Although being a digital tech teacher at a Manaiakalani school, I had only a limited vision of how that was beginning to be unpacked in some of our classrooms. I am looking forward to embarking on this journey as a part of the team and sharing the learning on a broader spectrum through Digital Tech.

Google has many tools and functions that enable educators to become more efficient in the way we explore, store, retrieve, create, and share learning. 

I came into this course already feeling a bit of an expert around using Google (being a digital tech teacher), however, I found heaps of cool tips and tricks to make the creation of Google Docs more exciting and user friendly. Generally speaking Docs has been a word processing tool and I've tended towards using Google slides for anything visual. 

Introducing Voice Typing to students could potentially be a way of allowing students who struggle with typing speed and accuracy to make progress in documenting quicker so that they are able to keep up with the general pace of learning in the classroom. By removing this barrier, I would hope that it would provide more experiences for success with students who have struggled previously.

After this first DFI session my first goal is that I would like to attempt to teach creating using Docs as a part of my digital fluency sessions in classes. Making the teaching of tools and functions more explicit so that the students gain access to the full potential of Google Docs as a means of creating and sharing their learning.

Creating Using Docs

Creating using Docs is one of the tools that Google offers. Inserting a table is an easy way for us to balance our design.

I have used the Explore tool in the bottom right hand side of my screen to help me search for images and information that I can add to my digital infographic.

Each of the images contains a hyperlink that you can follow to explore further information about hiking tracks, weather warnings, track updates, and facilities.

This space is where I begin furthering my journey with Digital Technology, So watch and see what happens!


  1. Awesome reflection on the day Michelle, you are correct that it doesn't matter how digital we are there is always something new to learn. I am glad you have found some new tools that could enhance how your students access work in your class and I am looking forward to seeing how you develop in this programme! great work today!

  2. Kia ora Michelle,
    I am glad you are able to add more tools to your digital kete. The beautiful thing about the Manaiakalani programme is the integration of those tools into your classroom and seeing your students become more engaged and confident with sharing their work outside the classroom walls. It is an exciting journey to be on!


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