DFI Session 9: External Recognition

Well, that's it. I am officially a graduate of the DFI and Google certified! It has been such a good learning journey, which obviously does not stop here. The DFI has been a platform that has built confidence and given me lots of great ideas that I can take with me into the classroom that can both extend my practice and encourage the students to learn, create and share more confidently.

I have been positively impacted by this course within the sharing of the Manaiakalani kaupapa. I connected with the Learn, create, share model and have valued being given further insight as to 'why' the Manaiakalani kaupapa of empowering, ubiquitous, visual learning is so impactful for teachers and learners alike. I think that this kaupapa resonates with the culture I try to establish in my classrooms and would like to continue to do more of.

I am taking with me more skills and innovative uses of using Google platforms as an educator. But more so, I am taking with me confidence that how I am wanting to teach and where I am taking my practice is backed up by a community of teachers and  learners who have gone before me and paved a way that has provided the evidence of it's success.

I am sure there are things that would make this journey even more successful. I did enjoy the 'bump it up' sessions that allowed us to practice using applications in different way to extend our practice. It might be good to offer more practical sessions like this where there are sessions aimed at older and more technically able students.

Otherwise, I am kind of sad that this is the last session. I enjoy being extended in my own learning and practice and this has been an awesome experience to give me focused time to do so.

I am very grateful for the opportunity. A big thank you to the facilitators and my bubble coach, Jacob, for being a huge source of encouragement and support.


  1. Ka pai Michelle! You have done really well and I like yourself (being digitally fluent) didn't really know what DFI would give me when I started. In the end the biggest thing it gives you (like you said) is that confidence to know others are in this journey too and that there is a pedagogical framework we can use as teachers to guide our learning. Keep at it and I am confident you will be providing an absolute banger of a programme for your students! Congratulations on completing DFI 2021!!

    1. Thanks mate! Huge thanks for your encouragement and support through the process. It's been invaluable.


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